Video 70
67. Shanti Gita - Class 67 - chapter 6 - verse 24
[Music] so lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are reading the shanti gita chapter 6 and the question was that how this universe has been created that question was being discussed and we are on the verse number finish the verse number 23 we'll read to the 24th verse of 6th chapter so what we read is this how this world is created it is called by maya maya brittya and my maya it does he became the lord of creation and they created and it is my time and time is one who plays in time that's called the maha kaala mahakali mahakal is the infinite time unchanging absolute that is mahakala and maya uduka takali and from by maya from that springs up the kali the mother the divine it is suitable we have heard like that and kalo shakti the shakti of the time is mahakali that's she is called mahakali great mother so she's the foremost and he is everything comes out of her and we have read the other verse 21 everything is created in time kali no jayata serbam and khali cho purish distriti and everything is born in time and everything remains in the time and everything kali bilayamapneti and and time it dissolves in time it comes it time stays and in time it dissolves time is eternal but in time only like a movie screen one thing is coming another going and time is waiting here and we call click click click click click click and it is the birth of the sun moon stars galaxies our human birth death existence is in time it is automatic happening and mahakala he stands in his own dignity and glory unchanging and in that the kali is playing this role of time so we did that 21 and then 22nd first what we read that great time sahaba mahakali did great time mahakala he is the mahakalo sarbu bayafi mahakalo that great time is all perverted everywhere there is nothing we can imagine in the creation where there is no time has no effect time is the cause of origination time is the cause of existence and time is the cause of destruction so survey mahakala the great time mahakala is all pervading and need aakar it has no form no shape and near are my own it's in there is no blemish in it it is absolutely pure that means it is satchida and upadhi yoga when it comes in contact with the upadhi limiting adjunct like body mind emotions these that it takes the color of that it has no color of its own but it takes the color of the object it is put so attribute of times shines forth in various ways upadhi that time plays in diverse of ways the timeless place in the time that absolute dances in the in the creation and the dance is called mahakali and this is the play of the timeless entity into time and actually it is by maya then we said read the 23rd verse starting from nimesha blinking of an eye to hugo kalpa is kalpa means harmony kalpo called kalpa corp is a bigger um calculation of time everything is made in this great time mahakala you see brahman in that everything has been kalpa is one thousand yugas and one thousand one juga is what one animation image means is starting from a half a second half a second that's the time now we can divide time ten and nanoseconds 10 to the power how much time how much we can divide to the lowest 10 to the power [Music] so that time even you can from that nano to this time of what the yuga juga means eon of times lasting for 4 million 320 000 human lifetime human years hour year 1 year if you have 4 million for 4 million 320 000 years of human year human year that makes one yoga one yoga and kalpa 1000 such yugas if you add 1000 times then that becomes a what is called kalpa so so to nano to this macro servum all does mean when in eat in that in the timeless entity prakalpitum is imagined it is it is all we are projecting in that changeless this change and in time everything is created nanosecond what you are talking it is passing our life and our life is going to happen [Music] negative meaning that that that we cannot think of how many temto ran by this time pausing one second how many tim we cannot imagine that but from that minor to the uh what is the huge 4 million 322 human years con multiplied by 1000 multiplied by 1000 see that much time so here to there all creation is coming out existing and it dissolving again so as it happens for us every day we are wake up in the morning no the whole world appears in time you get up what oh i get up at six o'clock for your six o'clock the whole world came up the world was not there world was not there for you people may say oh there is world i pray and that is not our question individual experience we are talking about for me the whole world extinct gets extinct when i go to sleep so during this period the world was not with me but when i come into consciousness then this world happens that's why it is called projected it is not real if it is real it will be always in my consciousness what is truth truth means it is called tri-kalo avadhita not buffeted by any time it will be continuous it is in the past it is in the present it will be in the future that is called the truth and what is not truth now it is like this tomorrow it will be something different after five years it will be different that is not true that is called changing and changing thing cannot be relied upon anything which changes that is impermanent so what is the permanent thing that is the atman which is same before mahakala another name and mahakali is the play dance of that shakti but this projection is going on it is not ultimately true because it mahakali can go back to the mahakala and spring again from mahakala coming and going in this our concept of the world all is sucked into it when you go to dre sleep and when you get up it springs from somewhere so that is the concept comes and goes how can i perceive something that is unchanging yeah that is the point we have to think that how can it be changed if there is no unchanging everything everything that i see is changing oh that's not that's uh so many lectures are given by server and witness idea who is change who is seeing the change because everything is bound by the time but who is seeing he is not bound by time your conception of your seeing thing is changing what i saw yesterday today is different but who is seeing in you he has not changed when you are sleeping he also didn't change during that sleep time you say i slept so i was you do not know that but he knew someone observed it that i that's called the conscious entity unchanging morning it was in my morning when i woke up that i that consciousness behind me that is what that was there i did so many things i have lunch i have breakfast i haven't did this i did that all these things have been observed by someone and that some entity which is always there but that's why the panchodus is famous verse is there that is maas all this go and pass time comes morning comes evening comes year comes month comes year comes huh we say i'm i'm 50 years old 50 years you know the 50 years of your life you have passed through your body has changes but you knew one is someone who didn't change he said i i when i was a child i did this oh i when i go to school i did so that i is not changing it is always as if one person one singular person observing that's called the witness consciousness that is unchanging you cannot think of change without unchanging you cannot stink the ocean wave and ripple without the ocean itself there must be ocean to have the change full waters changeful waters are possible because of the unchanging change changeful cars should be running the wheel should be running changeful there should be one road which is not changing it is a relative example but this is the way so we have to understand there is something unchanging in behind the changes that is the sudden spiritual practices what is called vedantic sadhana is that everything is changing but that which is the observer who is observing these changes she never changes you cannot say observer also observer means also there is in relative term observer also changes no but here that observer has consciousness it does not change any time so see therefore starting from this split second to a juga means the 4 million 320 000 human years or multiplying that 1000 yugas etc everything is made in that great time mahakala he remains the same everything coming in that change but he is not affected by the change from time came forth the great principles from great principles came the philosophy it is called the means the intelligence intelligence and mind they are in art but they come in contact with the consciousness they then agitated and that heat that consciousness percolates through the body mind and then body mind becomes active it is the philosophy now today we want to read the verse number 24 24th verse says [Music] [Music] [Music] now i just said that this whole this universe is coming animation all these are coming but in time your intelligence also came understanding has matured in time in in this also there is intelligence but this intelligence is dull in intelligent human mind is much brighter intelligence a dog is intelligent cat is intelligent elephant is intelligent but human intelligence is much higher but intelligence that's why intelligence and ego vedanta says mind intellect ego mind cannot decide then intellect decides i will do this i'll go i will not go then who says i that is the individual person so be done to say ego intellect mind and memory these are the four but sankho and others they squeeze it it says intelligence and mind that cosmic principle which unmanifest must not manifest but that power percolates through the created body mind etc so starting from the great principle come ego our ego comes from that buddhi i will go that determination determination who does the determination i i will go i will not go i will read i will not read i will eat i will not eat i come generates out of the buddhi intelligence it says philosophical branching of understanding how our ego functions in other now this ego which sprouts like that this from time has come your intelligence no in infinite time there came some conscious reflection that is called the intelligence cosmic intelligence where can the creation comes from that absolute consciousness has nothing to do with the creation absolute consciousness with maya in vedanta they call this creation starts here they say it is a time it is a different name they are giving mahakal great time great time means unchanging time that is brahman and that mahata great time then manifests as ego so i buddhi comes first that is the difference between vedanto and sanko vedanta says i fast then buddhi but whether i'm sankhu says buddhi first then i comes and it is not much difference but to just to understand their philosophy and now this ego this eye manifests in tribute this ego is of the three types ego three types of ego according to sattical quality satiko ego rajashi ego tamasiko ego satiko ego will be manifesting as a purer form rajasik will be the devotees army i am here i am the servant dummy i i am that brahman that's the purer army and rajasthan i am this so much rich i am so powerful so that ego pride and tamasik ego will be mean and unkind no all negativity boasting for nothing he has nothing but he is empty drum beating the drum where nothing is in the stock so like that that is the thomasic and violin buru land all negative that type so trividosa of yohankara satyadhi gunavedata because of the distinction of the three gunas satyaguna rajaguna and tamaguno ego by far gets into 3d division one is satiko rajasika and sato from hong kong shot three divisions come there again what comes you know it's a technical term again if you read vedanta vedanta text then you will get all this clarity there is a suksmu don mutter you know tan mata means thought matter only that only that is what five elements are there five elements what are the five elements we all know kitty of these bombs means earth element earth op means water teja means fire kitty after you know this called physical this is called physical it is called panchatan matra remember this is the technical term pancho there is only water is water pure water pure earth element pure space pure air huh but what is this one this is adulterated you take the essential pure elements and mix major sap suppose we are drinking water this water is called panchi krito that is often chicken when are mixed pure is unmixed from unmixed come the mixed what is the mixed or the water we drink it is pure water 50 percent add with 50 percent of other elements of air fire space erected guerrilla and and fire to pull out of fire air earth earth so you add one eight one eight one eight or four that becomes make hop and major part of the water of the subtle pure water pure water subtle collect that fifty percent and take one eight one eight one eight of the other four then you mix together that is our drinking water we drink this material earth as we walk over this earth is earth element pure earth element 50 percent and rest of the four five elements one eighth of the other so for the space in which suppose uh this space uh in which we are our earth is rotating in which space we are walking you know in planets are working stars and galaxies are there's a growth space what is the growth space made fifty percent of the superior space tan matra plus add one eighth of the other element that's why you will say what you are talking about we have any concept really yes we have concept now i am drinking a glass of water i am drinking the mixed elements five ton pipe pure elements and mixed here it has became adulterated now when you are drinking water in your dream water think about that what water you drink this is all the pure water that's the pure state that has become polluted coming down gross there's a subtle that's why devanasana the gods don't eat they only see why they connect with that on the teja so understand in in the dream there is also garden we can see some flower we can see some mod you can see there river flowing or you can have a glass of water you can have there also but that water suppose you are you are you are really in your dream you are thirsty and if i put one this water in your mouth what will happen you will get choked you need dream water in the dream you need dream water in the dream you need dream space fire despair and that fair is different in in waking state you need all these fine pure things added with together mixing together this is a kichuri there means a mixed product here so that's called the pancho shuksma bhuta these are the technical terms suksma means finer and stuller means the gross they are made of the five elements that's the philosophy of sankho and others they have and vedanta also without sorrow insists on this and whatever is settled and we don't understand you know we we take so many things you know say juicy purchase they mix this this this this make a juice you know they're subtle even some scent they are adding some scent to a food no they put some flavor so this is very subtle fine thing so if it is in the physical level in the god's creation from that that is the subtle level of pancho bhuta this is the gross level of pancho buddha so it says the ego becomes divided ego i i can make a chat i have a chart that chart what we are seeing that in the time that i have done that that one ego comes into three division shattu rajas and tamas and each one satra has five this is earth air fire and water space these are five rajas also similarly five thomas also five now mixed of this five take the pure air add with the others that becomes the gross similarly you can take sattigo and mixed with others it will be gross so similarly ahamkarat bhavit from mahankara ego bhavat it becomes suksma tanmatraniyopi panchawi suksmut fine subtle elements are created there ego you go can you catch ego all of us talk about you go aye aye can you catch any time is anytime it grows it is so subtle and ego is so fine that even no one can understand i am no ego but you are full of ego so ego that's the subtlest of the subtle from that came the five elements kiti of these bomb air water fires first in a pure estate and then it become in the growth state it's called panchikrita panchikris means five become one so what are your again but only to compare it will be very clear in your mind if you compare this waking state and dream state dream water dream garden dream breathing you breathe in your body in the dream body no now you are also breathing this is called the gross panchi krita a technical term and that is called open chicken it is not mixed together pure water pure pure air you are breathing in your subtle body that body is not this body similar body but it's a different body made of finer elements so this is so that very ego is of three types depending on the variation of the sattva and the like means rajas and tamas the five subtle elements are also verily generated from that ego get got it very beautiful idea to understand ego is the subtlest one and from ego came from mahatma intelligence from intelligence came your ego you go to five subtle elements five saturn elements will now get divided into gross elements so the creation comes so the now 25th verse suksmani pancho bhutani suksmani [Music] as we talked about fine five elements pure five elements where in the dream pancho and when it comes down to here these are these are the five elements five elements fine level five elements the gross level a satan shot out of his sat down so i have said each one is divided into three again from the sattong so take the sotto at the short terms of all these five put together that's why i said satan suksma bhutanam of this six more elements fine elements chromat gradually develops the indriyo panchakum buddhi when he had mind and india punching five eyes ear nose all these things come out of that they are panchakum your mind feeling center comes and so must because of the cumulative satto quality it is talking about how this pure elements come out of the pure element division all collecting rajas will create another thing thomas together will create another thing so the translation goes the five subtle elements now i have transformed into gross elements and this as i told subtle elements subtle water subtle air subtle thing what we experience in our dream now when we come here it experiences growth sun transformed into gross elements this grows water grows air i am breathing now the gross earth i am walking over grows space in the space i am moving grows fire in the body is fire it's a temperature we call the body temperature so outside also temperature is there so that's these are all transformed into gross animals from the sativa part of the subtle elements sativa part of different if i make a chart it will be much easier subtitle part of the five elements came gradually the five sense organs we have five sense organs eyes ears nose tongue and the skin of knowing the desire of knowing to know and also from collective sativa qualities come that one mind stuff and all the sativa quality of the subtle creates your mind so mind that's why mind is called the master of the ten organs mind i look at you if my mind is not there i will not see i some something you say i will hear so long mind is connected so mind is the master of all the senses it is a when a headmaster other teachers is a or or in a head head clerk in a office other clerks he is also a clerk but he hates means his connection is with everyone then what happens [Music] now they talked about saktika quality no satiko quality created what your mind antakaran five sense organs because these are all to carry the information eyes can carry on it's called knowledge it brings knowledge but there are five other organs which allows you to work my hand my feet these are gross organs through which you function in the world if you if someone has only the eyes ears and and no body functionality is stopped so that is not an existing personality then so this is coming from rajasthan quality now so that's right karmen ryani rajas so the speech is called karmendry because it gives order go bring it do that so that is that falls within karma india karma it connects to the karma but pawnee heart we all know without hand we cannot function put it there bring it there take it here yeah give it here so hand is necessary bak pani padha without legs we cannot walk anywhere so that's also an organ what is needed it comes from because they are all action related i say something and someone will do that or you say something i'll act accordingly so it's the action related it's a bach is the speech pani is the hand what you are talking you are about but when you are in foreign we are talking in the rajasthan level in the level of rajas so what happens so rajasthan level your actions mind may also be rajasik you know mind may also be satiki mind may also be damasic so karmendryani let us understand first what is saying karmendiyani rajasa karmendyani all these karma indriyas are coming out of rajasthan bhutan and also our prana the vital energy of five types what are the five types it's called prana prana means what prana means life force piranha and in our body aparna there is one air this planet energy the wind which helps you to excretion so that's the puts that that's called apana prana samana is balancing the internal pressure otherwise you know external pressure is there air pressure internal pressure is also there that's a prana prana apanos means when you eat and you go what you say you know what you call burping vital force prana bayou or soprano bio is the flow the yoga system says the divine vital layer prana does everything in the body much like a machinist performs the actions of the machine this body is a machine it works like that as per yogic psychology this vital air prano bayou is divided into five major and five subtypes in the body for aisha he is trying to endeavor to explain five major prana bayou in the body they are called the pancho prana these are classified according to location upon upon the downward flowing of bayou which which located from the naval to the muladhara the base of plexus this is responsible for all excretory reproductive functions and governs the large intestine kidneys ns and genitals it is associated with the element of water upon over you so one type of bio which functions in the body somano the sideways flowing by you sideways from the navel to the diaphragm it is responsible for all digestion and metabolic functions including the circulatory system and governs the heart liver small intestine stomach pancreas and their secretories it is associated with the element of fire so samana is associated with the digestion and it is associated with the element of fire in the body prana bayou is upward flowing from the chest to the thorax this governs the lungs larynx and chest region it is that force by which breath is down into the body breath by which the breath is drawn into the body it's coming inside it is associated with the element of air that governs the area above the neck and is responsible for all the sense organs it governs thoughts and consciousness harmonious harmonies and activities the limbs and all their associate nerves ligament muscle and joints it is the reason we can maintain an erect position it is associated with element of ether or space and also it is for burping banner it pervades the whole body regulates and controls all movements and coordinates the other pranama used it is the reserve force for the other pranas it is associated with the element of earth so these are the five you're right yeah so these are two just to understand the little functioning of the system with the vedanta how the modern science and that makes sense maybe we may not totally relate but we can understand there is some connection now so the verse number 26 as we read karmendyani rajasa pratyakung each organ of action yeah the five actually we have 25 we have read no the five subtle elements now have transformed into gross elements from sattical part of the subtle elements came gradually the five sense organs we described about sensory perception hearing etc and from the collective shattico qualities come that one that is called the mind now twenty-six verse says uh karbin riyani rajasthan what it means karmendriyani the organs of action what are the organs of eye you're saying hand feet etc hand back as i said back to all the organs to which you i do action so these are the organs of action they come naturally from the rajasik part satiko is calm rajasik is action tamasik is dullness so all the rajasik activity is done because of the impact of this element rajasik element from the collective rajasik qualities of the subtle elements comfort the life energy so you add all the collected rajas from all the elements now art water fire space and i'm here you take each one has three qualities shut the rajas and thomas now you take rajas of all of them from each one and then that will create your this air that is the breathing which is called prana and prana has five functions it maintains the body that way we already talked about subtle it means prepares you the other verse satigue part of the subtle element came gradually five sense organs organs of perception eye through the eyes ears nose to which you perceive the knowledge outside knowledge we can get with eye without eyes i cannot see anything without a year i cannot hear anything without tongue i cannot taste anything so to knowledge whether it is sour or sweet it is beautiful or ugly it is sweet voice or this add a horse voice all we understand is it's called the sense orgasm perception and then all action action will naturally come from rajas perception is a finer thing it comes from the satiko quality so from the collective rajasik qualities of the certain elements comes for the life energy which is consist of the five functions we have just talked about 26. now they will talk about the tamasic satiko we talked about rajasi we talked about now take the thomas part of all the five panchik [Music] [Music] it's a gross thing very tangible and not fine satu is the finest rajas is the little energy and this is dullness a dull part of the fight dull part of the year dual part of the water dull part of the space like that all the five so what it makes that thomasic part of the subtle elements when compounded when they mix together creates five gross elements what are the five these five elements as we are talking about this earth element this gross earth element this earth what we deal with this water what we deal with they are created from the thomas apart sattikapat rajasthan is already described now we are dealing with the thomas from these gross elements come the gross creation from that came this gross earth water see whole universe is made of five elements you can divide it has been mass divided uh in the chemistry how many 98 elements when we are students we heard that 98 earlier now it has become 100 116 element but main element it will follow either on the five element air water fire if you gross division and in that gross division this 116 will come much more because gross manifestation so creation starting from the universe down to the individual body the gross body the star body the planet's body to your body to the body of a ant you see a favor of a bird of a tiger has all these bodies that this is growing by what by gross food gross element drinking water taking the produce which grows in the earth and taking the energy from that putting into the body so these are the five things which coming from the tam also part okay so let it be i shall try to bring next day the chart then it will be much easier to just seeing the chart you can easily grasp it may very simple satthira just thomas three element each one has three elements and that taking the satigue part of this satin part of the all the five that make becomes the final element then rajasthan makes the rajasik karma india etc and thomas about the physical part of the body and behind so that is the functioning of the trigonometry how the body is created this idea is given so we end here and maybe there may be some question um so tomorrow is gospel reading at 7 30 pm sulawesi oh it is you know they're talking about all this creation this part from that part one fifth one second they ultimately say this then you are saying this but another vedanta will say that it is made differently no this is according to some how the creation theory but if we go to the other text they may describe differently tribute quran this is called panchikaran panchikaranam is we are talking about five kitty after is maroon the world is made up out of three basic things now we'll say you are saying five here you are saying three here so what is this all this that's why they say you are a child you are fearful of a ghost we are creating a ghost creating you may create a ghost with six hand with a five eyes or head i can create with four head and virulent eye with a leg there big tail you can set a spot tail these are all fictitious because it is not there brahman is alone true they are not at all true what about the vinyl manifestations then you that is a different perspective when you realize god then you can say but before that if you then you will get entangled if you say it is everything is god then you will be involved into it and you will get attached so this is first creating the idea yeah that that is it that is the point to get out of this maya into the vedantic way at the bhaktive that's a devotional right yeah i think you i think you answered it and what i was going to ask because i find it very interesting that it's so thorough in the investigation of the material world yeah why prop it up maybe just to bring it down but if it's all illusory and you want to see past the ignorance of it why refine it in that way it is it is that that's why our scriptures suggest a child has a fear of a ghost and everything and it entered into the child's mind such a way ma he said there is a ghost and he took it seriously and he will not go on that side anymore in life the mother one the thought i'll have to do something so the child is free from this ghost idea there is no ghost at all so he created a ghost and see oh what is your fear there is a ghost where is the ghost don't you see that is the ghost loki i'll kill that ghost come and his baby's child is not moving that direction then mom went and put a fire and burned it and said see the ghost is now dead the ghost was not there it is a created ghost and that created ghost is out of mind and when your mind goes beyond duality there is no ghost there is no world there is nothing of the world of suffering and pain only brahman so here is a question does ego bring he brings in duality of course when i say i naturally i say you i brings duality judges categorizes separate us from god judges categorizes separates us from god truth others and the cause of our suffering does ego bring duality judges categorizes separates us from god truth others and the cause of our suffering right you mean that i he means that ego brings all this duality not only duality judgment in our mind categorizing in this world separation from god and i truth separates from that and others and causes great suffering true so yes ego brings duality whenever my ego comes see child baby and mother they are together identity there is no separation with the baby and the mother when the baby is born there also mother knows every bit of baby's condition because almost tuned to oneness and when the ego of the child is growing look at that then mom separates with the child even the birds look at the bird is given a birth and the mom is feeding bringing food how much trouble without eating herself picking up something putting in the mouth of the baby and then going and flying and bringing but when it gets ego devil of the baby bird is developed then kicks out go find your way here in this country you are 18 now go find your own way huh so so long you are below that his mom's responsibility dad's response but when you are adult get out the ego so here is also ego when it's not connected with god totally that's the pure ego and when it separates i and see everybody says i know i understand why do mommy talk about that i don't care about it you have become now responsible for yourself you suffer you enjoy so that is the ego and rama if my this ego this ego is abolished or died then all the rabbis all the sufferings of life will be eradicated and egolessness is a state when one goes into samadhi when our ego we forget ourselves and only think of god and god and god prevails everywhere my ego is gone then i will reach the highest state now second question the physical gross body and ego centered mind is always changing that's true if you get attached to things that change you invite suffering unto yourself of course our eternal self is consciousness which observes very good true that is the only point the physical gross body and my ego my mind is always changing is it not look at ourselves when we are child till today how our body has changed our mind has changed our emotions are changing every day our understanding is changing so these are all changing and if we get attached to this this changing things to the body to the mind to the ego then what will happen only suffering only suffering all the anxieties only worries and if you think i am deathless worthless you become free the body is changing what is that to me you cannot stop the change of the body you're going to stop the change of the mind it will change because it's change full object but when you say i am the unchanging absolute you are free nothing can bind nothing can create any trouble for that person therefore we don't we should live in the body but not attached to the body very high philosophy how many people will understand that live in the body take care of the body but don't get attached to the body because this is a changing thing you cannot hold it can you hold your youth hold on where is gone why it is gone it will go because it's changing as baby baby baby condition is gone can anyone hold on to the baby condition physical body mental body understanding intellectual body so rather hang on to that which is unchanging that is the self upon which this drama of body mind play is going on you really observes everything but when identified ego always reacts identified ego when i identify with this body then i will react oh i am in pain oh i am happy oh i get a good food ah what a bad food all this will come identification with it but someone say unmindfully eating the food no the same food he has eaten but he has no sense whether it is sweet whether it is little salty or it is less salt or spicy or less spicy no concept that is not observed either but that is absent-mindedness seen my same thing [Music] oh can you be you is always observed but the real ego is always observer small ego smalling objects or little petty things under his control my ego is the boss no under his control is the mind and his control is the senses under his control of the pipes organs of actions so naturally it observes those but real observer is behind which is unchanging kindly inform which shanti gita swamiji is reading as a sloka in bhagavata gita do not correspond yeah that probably you are right i told it before but i am not telling every day this shanti gita what i am reading it is not available in bhagavata neither it is available in mahabharata neither it will find in anywhere else it is a i think probably an oral tradition this was how this happened when arjuna lost his son obi-wan on that 13th day of the war and sun was killed unethically in the breaking all the rules and regulations of the war principles in those days and such a bright brilliant boy fought against the seven great warriors and ultimately they all entangled that boy and killed together so when the message came to arjuna arjuna was totally lost only one son and such a bright son and then he was he lost his energy to fight anymore and that time he has been depressed and that time bhagavan krishna gave this advice and listening to this advice of the seven chapters we are on the sixth chapter after listening to that he regained his own consciousness do your duty your enemy your friend all these are to play justify on the duty of the responsibility of life but you are atman that we are reading that consciousness the same teaching more little vedantic here in santi gita she krishna gave that same teaching which has been given he will say i have gave you at the beginning of the war that is the bhagavad-gita known so popular with 700 verses and this is the bhagavad gita this is the called shanti gita because arjuna found peace even the son was dreadfully killed that he took he worked on that depressed condition depression so that's why it is not found in anywhere but we are trying to keep it you can find in english that's why we are giving the english verses translation you go to the chat no description section you find we are giving the verses we are reading so you can read because it is not available we are trying to my idea was to continue to do this and then sometimes if god wants it can be put into the book form so that to give the original verses at least and translation and little few words so so you have to follow this book and also this classes then you will get it and there is a book in bengali but if you cannot read bengali it's also not very available much but on online you can search it but there is no english translation or transliteration okay thank you all right oh transliteration is there no translation yeah okay online but you can easily get the verses transliterated version given here okay thank you all anymore okay jaima peace peace peace so we shall meet you again tomorrow thanks for on being online and we'll meet you too tomorrow again for gospel at 7 30 pm you